Inside the 12th Century Convents Of Bruges | The Curious Traveler | Parable

A Prophet For The Proud Or A Saviour For The Fallen?

We are all followers of many things, from fashion, to hobbies, to family interests, to more serious things. Beyond politicians many follow religious leaders, some who claimed to speak from God. To such the leader became a Prophet, held in high reverence, while others became aware of deep failings in their lives and longed to find peace with God. They saw that they needed to find God and be forgiven and rescued from condemnation. They needed a Saviour. Is this simply a case of you follow who most appeals to you, or are there deeper issues to consider?

Adult Baptisms

Have you experienced the joy of being accepted by others? When your family and friends love you, when you are accepted by someone who agrees to be your mate, when your children love you, and when you are welcomed into a society, your heart is filled with love. Read how you might have a greater love that will last forever.

Red Brasso?

Pieter asked me to lead a memorial service on the farm for one of the farm workers. The worker had accompanied them to a show in Port Elizabeth and had to hold two horses.

Religion and Wellbeing

This essay reviews the extent to which religion seems to promote values associated with the philosophy and lifestyle called REAL wellness, which focuses on reason, exuberance, athleticism and liberty. The article describes the writer’s early expreriences with religion, and explores the dynamics of church/state separation.

Tracing My Name Carved in Stone

Sometimes it feels as if nothing in the world is stable. Everyone standing behind a microphone thinks he or she has the answer.

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